Well I have some good news and bad news. The good news is if you’re reading this you didn’t get too discouraged by part 1 and you’re eager to learn more. The bad news is you have to learn 12 more chords, but wait…they’re extremely similar to the major chords. So if you we’re good about practicing the major chords these will come in seconds.

Minor Triads

Minor triads are necessary to learn because you will find them in pop pieces. A minor triad creates the dark and gloomy sound that you often hear in breakup songs. You will see minor triads written as C min, or C-. That’s about it though. So what is a minor triad you ask?! Easy!!

A minor triad is simply a major triad with a flat 3rd. So, let’s play a C major triad…hopefully you are playing the notes C, E and G, if not, please go back and visit my Major Triads post. Now all we need to do is lower the 3rd, or in this case the note E, down to an Eb….viola!! You now have a C minor triad, with the the notes C, Eb, and G. See example below.

Minor and major triads
So again, in order to build a minor triad, find you major triad and flat the 3rd, or lower the middle note by one note. There you have it minor triads. Now minor triads also come from scales but again we are not diving into music theory right now. You’ll have to take my soon to be released course in order to learn that. We are simply trying to work up to a level that will satisfy your needs by playing familiar pop tunes.
Picture of Brenden Lowe

Brenden Lowe

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