How To Start Playing Pop And Cover Songs Today!! Part 4 – Rhythms
Rhythms are the last key ingredient to being able to play any song of your choice and make it sound decent to the average listener.
Rhythms are the last key ingredient to being able to play any song of your choice and make it sound decent to the average listener.
So the great thing about pop songs is that for the most part the only chords you’re ever going to see are major and minor
Does Wynton ever look bad? Nope, cause he’s a professional. There’s one thing that always makes me chuckle when I meet someone new. It’s the moment they
Well I have some good news and bad news. The good news is if you’re reading this you didn’t get too discouraged by part 1
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Alright so here we go! If you’re one of those people who has played piano before and want to be able to
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Learning the piano is a very simple process. Like anything in life, when we break a problem down into a step by
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Whenever I tell someone that I am a professional jazz pianist, I always get asked the question, “Is your family musical?” I always chuckle to
Have you stumbled upon this website hoping to learn how to play jazz piano? Are you looking for new voicings to use in your left