Here is a nice one over a 2-5-1. Bill starts his line on beat 3 in the first measure which I love. He was always so aware of the beats he started and ended his lines on. Definitely something to practice in our own playing.

In this line he goes up to the b5 then continues down chord tones landing on the 11 of the C7 which is part of a delayed resolution which eventually he resolves to the third on beat 3.

He then continues with a triplet to the approach the fifth of the F- and walks down to the third and back up using the maj7 sound of the minor which sounds great.

Finally he slides into the 6th with a half step approach from below which makes for a very nice texture.

Points for practicing this lick:

  • Start and end lines on different beats
  • Can use major7th sound with minor chords


Picture of Brenden Lowe

Brenden Lowe

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