Bud Powell Bebop Transcription Analysis: Part 2

Bud Powell was one of the kings of bebop at the piano. In this podcast you’ll learn 3 easy take aways for improvisation that Bud uses that you can implement TODAY to drastically elevate the sound of your improv. This will conclude my LONG series on bebop and bebop approaches. If you haven’t checked out the previous episodes I highly recommend you go back to listen to the series in it’s entirety. Enjoy!
How to Find Your Own Voice With Daily Improv Warmup

What does it mean when people talk about “finding your own voice,” and how are you supposed to do it? Here is one idea for you which Sterling will teach in this week’s podcast. In this lesson, he’ll show you how to add a daily warmup to your practice routine to explore your own creativity through “drone improvisation.” By playing whatever comes to mind over a single note drone, you can explore infinite possibilities and develop your own sound!
JPS Ep:164 – 3 Improvisation Strategies You Need For Ballads

Improvising over ballads is usually more difficult than improvisation over medium or fast tunes. Why is that? Because you’re EXPOSED. Everything is movving sooooo slowwwww. What do you do? How do you spice things up and creating interesting lines? In this episode I’m going to show you 3 strategies I use every-time I improvise over ballads that you absolutely have to integrate into your toolbox. Enjoy!
JPS Ep:163 – What is “The Lady Bird Turnaround?”

If you have never encountered the Lady Bird turnaround or are looking for some new strategies with which to improvise over this device, search no further! In this podcast lesson, we’ll go over how Tadd Dameron came up with this trademark chord progression and how you can play over it with style and ease.
JPS Ep:162 – 12 Improv Strategies To Jam Out On 1 or 2 Chords (Funk)

What do you do when you are jamming out on 2 chords?…or even 1 CHORD?! Does your mind start freezing up? Well don’t worry, in this podcast, I use my electric rhodes sound on my keyboard and give you 12 strategies that you can use to improvise when you’re jamming out on 1 or 2 chord harmonies. I demonstrate in a funk style manner but these can also be used in any jazz tunes as well. Enjoy!
Jazz Piano School, Ep 24: How To Start Improvising (Beginner)

When learning how to improvise you want to make sure you have the necessary foundation to support your solo. These initial steps will make sure you get started on the right path to playing killin jazz piano solos and sounding your best.