JPS Ep:135 – Learn Jazz Piano – Our 4 Step System
Learning jazz piano isn’t a guessing game, even that’s how I approached it for 15+ years. It’s a system. The majority of students, including myself start by learning tunes.This should be the LAST step we do. Before that we need jazz piano TOOLS. Would you try and read and write without learning the Alphabet? No of course not. Jazz Piano is the exact same way. In this 15 minute podcast I’m going to break down the 4 step system we use that is has successfully taught thousands of students jazz piano so you can use it too.
JPS Ep:134 – Pentatonic Voicings Tutorial Part 2
Here we look at how to create more 4 and 5 note voicings in a modal setting. Today’s session explores a more flexible approach in D dorian by transposing shapes through the mode. To take it further, we look at a technique of chromatic transposition used by Herbie Hancock.
JPS Ep:133 – 4 Must Have Blues Voicing Setups
This it taken directly from our new specialty course “How To Crush The Blues”. These 4 comping setups are sure to give you everything you need to know in order to provide lush and rich sounding blues accompaniment to anyone.
JPS Ep:132 – Pentatonic Voicings Tutorial
Here is a tutorial to create 4 and 5 note pentatonic voicings. These voicings work well over modal tunes like “So What” by Miles Davis, and will give you a modern sound to add to your toolbox of voicings! Enjoy!
JPS Ep:131 – Improvising With Tritone Substitutions
We take a deep dive into improvising over tritone substitutions. Find out how to implement a diverse harmonic palette, and discover the secrets used by some of your favorite players! Enjoy!
JPS Ep:130 – 8 Must Know Jazz Piano Chords
Usually we all want to learn cool, hip sounding voicings right?! Trust me, I’ve been there. But unfortunately these one off voicings don’t do much for our education. It’s like someone giving us a fish instead of TEACHING us HOW to fish. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather learn HOW to fish. This episode will give you the 8 must know jazz piano chords but will also TEACH you how you can take these structures and methods and use them in all tunes. Enjoy!
Jazz Piano School Ep. 128 – How to Sound Like Bill Evans – Shifting Extensions
Learn how to shift and move extensions in your voicings with this quick method to create a more modern jazz piano sound! With this method you’ll be create that complicated inner voice movement that you hear Bill Evans achieve, not to mention many other huge jazz piano giants. Jazz Piano School has taught thousands of students to achieve jazz piano freedom using methods and strategies exactly like the one you’ll learn in this video.