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Jazz Piano Voicings Plan For 2023 (Part 3)

Summary: In part 3 of the 2023 planning series I’ll be covering a full spectrum plan to crush all the jazz piano voicings you could possibly need in 2023.

Voicings are necessary for all parts of jazz. Solo piano, improvisation, comping and so much more.

When you have a solid plan to improve your voicings you will be making progress across the board which is fantastic. This will translate to everything you do.

Don’t forget to grab the planning book below as I refer to the steps inside when teaching this lesson.


Solo Piano Blueprint for Jazz Piano (2023 Planning, Part 2)

We’re on to part 2 of our 2023 planning sessions. In this live stream lesson, I’ll be covering the full solo piano blueprint and plan you need to make serious progress in 2023.

If playing jazz solo piano is your goal, then you’ll definitely want to take detailed notes on this episode.

Don’t forget to go to the link below to get our free planning guide because I’m referring directly to the steps in this free guide for solo piano.


Jazz Piano Plan For 2023, Part 1

Download: MP3 Audio113 MB MP3 Audio113 MB Facebook Twitter LinkedIn What’s the first thing we do when we’re driving to a destination we’ve never been? Pull up the GPS of course.  Why? Because it gives us a map, a plan on how to get to our destination. Now what would happen if we didn’t do […]

The #1 Jazz Piano Improvisation Exercise

So if improvisation is spontaneous…how do we practice the art of spontaneity? There are a couple key points that make improvisation sound good. No matter how many fancy tools you throw on top like the blues scale, pentatonics, half whole, scale, lydian augemented scale, the foundation still applies. In this podcast I’ll show you the BEST improvisation exercise you can use through out your entire career no matter HOW good you get. I still use it to this day.

3 Must Know Jazz Piano Licks

The 3 jazz piano licks included in this lesson are important for a couple reasons. One, they contain both scalar motion and arpeggiated thirds. Most jazz piano improvisation contains both of these movements very frequently. Two, they contain chromatic motion. Chromatic motion is extremely important in bebop to slide into chord tones or move around them to create tension. Third, these three licks emphasize the thirds of each chord in this two-five-one progression. By emphasizing the thirds, of chords, you will reflect the harmony of progressions and create beautiful solos.

Most importantly, in this lesson, I go further than just showing you the licks, I teach you how to analyze them and extract improvisation lego building blocks to use on your own. This will allow you to spontaneously create improvisation freely rather than waiting for a specific meausre or phrase in a tune and regurgitating a memorized lick.

You’ll be able to build solos your self based upon what you want to play. Just like building legos!


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How To Improvise Over A 3-6-2-5

These 5 improvisation strategies are continuations off the last tutorial on comping through a 3-6-2-5. Enjoy!

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How To Thicken Up Jazz Voicings And Arrangements in 3 Easy Steps

Jazz doesn’t always have to be hard. I swear. Sometimes one specific skill set can be broken down into 3 easy steps. I recently taught my special Accelerator Program students this easy 3 step process to thicken and fatten up their arrangements and they absolutely loved it! This process can be used over any tune and will serve you for the rest of your jazz piano career. It’s well worth your time to learn. Enjoy!

Use This Trick To Know What Scales To Play Over Chords In Any Key!

When learning new tunes, it can often be tricky to know which notes to play over chords that are unfamiliar. By finding the home key and practicing improvising over chord progressions, you can be ready to play over chords to any tune. Follow along as Sterling shows you how to do it in this podcast lesson.

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