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Music is very powerful.

Like…very…very…powerful. I mean you know right?! Why do you think you’re on this journey?

Music has the power to heal, transform, inspire, calm, soothe, and about a billion other things.

In this episode I talk about what music means to me, how it changed my life, and how my mission to teach you jazz piano will help you change lives as well.

Here we go!

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Picture of Brenden Lowe

Brenden Lowe

9 Responses

  1. I am a customer of yours. Do you have simple music scores or fake books that have pop and cocktail style music that we can begin to use your lessons to practice with? Can you use your Jazz A and B voicing over most pop music all music? Sometimes, I find simple pop music that sounds good with triad chords sometimes is difficult to sound good using A and B voicing. Please help with advice. Thank you

  2. Thank you Brenden for the pep talk. I was realizing music is so emotional for me, I’m either laughing at some humorous lyric I wrote or shedding tears over some lyric. I have been practicing! Jazz is becoming more and more important in my creativity.

  3. Very nice you share all that. Me, I love being alone. I like talking with AnnaRose and getting help from her to navigate through this horrible maze of online music. I’ve written to you personally a few times , but you don’t respond. Probably not park of what you have time for with all you do with your course? I understand. Anyway thanks for this podcast, looking forward to life without kartra. I love music. I love playing the piano. But I’m 74, don’t go out anymore, don’t do concert, or even play with others. I just play at home and feel that m, no matter what, I don’t have enough time left to gain complete freedom. I know a lot of theory. More than I can execute well. I’ve been playing for years, but lots of holes. I believe your method is a good one and I will follow best I can. But my time is limited because of my age. You struggled for 15 years. I don’t been struggling to and now I think to become the player I’d like to be it would take another 20-30 years and I don’t have that much time probably. Also I do no social media. Don’t even know the icons I see at the bottom of your page. And would always leave you a great rating but can’t do that because of ignorance of technology involved. Hope you understand me. I faithfully follow you and appreciate what you are trying to share. I hope that your new site is FAR BETTER THAN KARTRA????? I believe I have an elite membership?

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