Jazz Piano School Ep. 100 – Keith Jarrett Analysis, “Someone To Watch Over Me”

Not to take anything away from Keith on this one, but we reached PODCAST 100! Kind of crazy if you ask me? When I think about to all the hurdles, and problems we had to get through, I can’t believe we’ve come this far. In order to celebrate we ‘re giving away 2 amazing gifts. #1 A LIFETIME membership to jazz piano. Yes you read that correctly. And #2 – A free reserved membership to our new “Lab” this is coming by the end of the year. Now in order to enter all you have to do is give the podcast a 5 start rating and write a brief review. I mean it could literally say “This podcast rocks!” and you will be entered to win 1 of 2 memberships to Jazz Piano School. Here are the directions. 1. Click this link to the Jazz Piano School Podcast. Click Here For The Jazz Piano School Podcast 2. Click the small button that says “VIEW IN ITUNES” 3. Click the “RATINGS AND REVIEWS” tab. 4. Click “Write A Review” 5. Write a review and leave a 5 star rating and we will enter you in. REMEMBER: You have to write a review because that is the only way we ‘ll know your name. We will announce the winner at the start of the following week ‘s podcast. The great thing about the entry is that you ‘re helping spread the love of jazz piano education to others around the world. Back to Keith. Keith Jarrett is brilliant at the way he moves his inner voicings around. Especially in a ballad. This can clearly be seen in this week ‘s analysis of “Someone To Watch Over Me”. Please enjoy!

SAQ: Why Do We Practice?

A common FAQ is “What Should I Practice?”. But a more important SAQ (“should ask question”) is “Why Do I Practice?”. Many have defined practicing as “the act of rehearsing a behavior over and over, or engaging in an activity again and again, for the purpose of improving or mastering it, as in the phrase […]

How To Command Your Left Hand Like Bill Evans

When playing in the trio setting, a jazz pianist’s left hand is often an afterthought, a purely supportive entity that acts out of reflex rather than thought. Too commonly, pianists spend hours at a time improving their right-handed lines without paying attention to their left-handed choices. There is a trend of simply falling back on […]

Early McCoy vs Late McCoy: How McCoy Tyner’s Playing Style Evolved Over Time

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Jazz Piano School Ep. 95 – What Happens In Your Playing As You Advance

A lot of the time when trying to get better at jazz piano, you simply have no idea what the future looks like…or even what the heck advanced players are doing! It sounds too far out of reach. Well I’m here to tell you it’s not. In this episode I show you what is going to happen as you advance through the levels. This way you’ll be able to see exactly what takes place.

Jazz Piano School