Bill Evans showcases his signature 8th note lines over the chord changes of the tune “All the Things You Are.” His album, “Alone” (1968) is a masterwork of solo piano where truly he shows us how it’s done. Note the motivic development within his lines and also listen for how he accompanies himself in the LH in a fluid manner.
This track encapsulates the classic trio sound of Bill Evans with bassist Scott LaFaro and drummer Paul Motian. True to the nature of its title, the album “Explorations” (1961) pushes the boundaries of jazz trio playing with interaction among the group, especially evident in the connection between Evans and Scott LaFaro. Bill demonstrates some of his signature triplet ideas as well as the unison repeated note melodies towards the end of the solo with the LH and RH together.
This angular melody comes off one of Bill Evans’ first records, “New Jazz Conceptions” (1956). The hard-swinging solo moves through meandering chords and changes in meter, all the while maintaining Evans’ artful sense of melody.
Jazz Piano School is dedicated to providing structured and organized jazz piano education to any and all students who are interested.