Shaping Lines Rhythmically — Changing Rates: 8ths, Triplets, and 16ths

Staying in one rhythmic zone – whether it be eighth notes or double time sixteenth note lines – can sound monotonous over the course of an entire solo. A way to bring about rhythmic freshness is to alternate between eighth note, eighth note triplet, and sixteenth note phrases. The key is to make the transition […]

Jazz Piano School Ep. 116 – 6 Easy Ways To Improve At Improv With Rhythm

There are a ton of ways to implement rhythm into improv but…I’ve found these ways to be most effective at quickly upgrading your sound. Practice them alone at first before implementing them all into your solo at once. They’re powerful tools so use them wisely and work hard. In no time your improvisation will be completely different…and for the BETTER! Enjoy!

Jazz Piano School Ep. 108 – The Structured Education Of Jazz Piano School

This was a spur of the moment podcast! I actually started recording something else then got to talking about my vision and the structure of Jazz Piano School and I just went with it! But this should definitely bring a lot of information and clarity around the 3 major types of products we have and where we are moving to with jazz piano education software/website app we’re currently building. Enjoy!

Jazz Piano School Ep. 105 – What To Do With Slow Swing Tunes

Isn’t it strange that when it comes to the slower tunes we start to struggle more? There’s just soon much space! What do we do when the tempo is deathly slow and we start feeling anxiety to fill in everything. In this episode I’ll give you some tips to start feeling confident over slow swing tunes.

Early McCoy vs Late McCoy: How McCoy Tyner’s Playing Style Evolved Over Time

McCoy Tyner is unquestionably one of the most influential jazz pianists to date, with one of the most clearly recognizable sounds. But McCoy’s sound changed drastically – arguably more than any other jazz musician – as he evolved from a mainstream hard-bop player to an innovative post-bop player who defined a new approach to improvisation […]

Jazz Piano School