5 Insider Tips for a Successful Recording

Whether you’re making an audition recording or laying down some tracks for an album, recording can be quite an involved process. Being in the studio often comes with its own set of stressors when compared to a live performance. Here are some insider tips to help make the process go as smoothly as possible! 1) […]
The Secrets to Learning Tunes Quickly and Bulking Up Your Repertoire

Building up your repertoire by learning standards is a crucial part of being a professional jazz musician. In fact, you have to learn potentially hundreds of songs just to be able to get by at a jam session without embarrassing yourself. But you already know this. Chances are, you’ve sat down to play at a […]
Active Listening – Written By Fred Hersch

I have taught jazz piano and composition for many years at music schools including New England Conservatory, The New School, The Manhattan School and have given workshops, master classes and done residencies at schools around the world; I am been lucky to have taught a number of prominent young pianists. And one thing keeps showing […]
Your Practice Space Vs. Concert Setting: What To Be Aware Of And How To Master The Switch

Have you ever practiced the heck of our a piece at home and had it sound great, only to completely screw it up at the concert? Or have you simply played on one piano, then went to play on a different one and could barely play the piece you’ve been working on? Why the heck […]
How To Never Miss A Practice Session!

Have you ever told yourself you were going to practice and found yourself wondering what happened 3 days later? Here are some tips to help ensure you never miss a practice session again. #1 Find your practice time Not all times of day work for me to practice. I simply cannot practice in the morning. […]
Improve Your Jazz With 6 Tips From The BSO Tour

As I write this blog I am two hours away from the end of a 13 hour flight back from Tokyo! This is probably the longest two hours of my life. For some reason going back is a lot harder. I’ve just finished a two week tour with the Boston Symphony Orchestra in Asia. If […]
How To Achieve Continuous Growth Through Perspective

We create our own beliefs and reality based on our surroundings. It’s hard to believe the rest of the world does not look or operate like America. Especially if you’ve been living there for the past 29 years like myself. How could one possibly know or understand what other parts of the world are like? […]
Make More Progress And Practice Less, Here’s How

Yes that headline is correct. Stop wasting your time and actually make more progress by doing less. Seems too good to be true, right? Let me explain. Everyone usually wants to learn how to play an instrument or learn a skill, but no one wants to work to learn how to do it. And actually […]
5 Reasons To Go To Jam Sessions, Even If They Scare the Hell Out Of You

Jam sessions have been around and helping musicians ever since jazz was created. Musicians would get together and play music for the enjoyment of playing. Most of the well known jazz musicians we know these days frequented jam sessions when they were young as well. There are many stories about musicians such as Charlie Parker, […]
5 Jazz Piano Doubts Reversed.

Every unknown skill or topic has myths behind it that we all as individuals tend to create in our minds. This may be from our own creative brain power, or from a friend who is feeding us these terrible ideas. Have you ever heard “Oh you can’t do that, those guys are born able to […]