Taylor Eigsti Sidestepping Pentatonic Lines (LOTW #120)

Taylor Eigsti rips through some changes on his arrangement of the standard tune, “I Love You” for his album Let It Come to You. The line begins with a chromatic enclosure around a Bb and ascends through some melodic minor modes. Where some people would place a conventional 3625 progression, he sidesteps downwards with a […]

How to Reharmonize Like a Pro

What is Reharmonization? Let’s do a quick review… Reharmonization is the process of replacing the chords underneath a melody with other chords that still work musically but have a different function. Chords share a variety of common tones that allow us to interchange them without wreaking havoc on the music. Take, for example, one of […]

JPS Ep:130 – 8 Must Know Jazz Piano Chords

Usually we all want to learn cool, hip sounding voicings right?! Trust me, I’ve been there. But unfortunately these one off voicings don’t do much for our education. It’s like someone giving us a fish instead of TEACHING us HOW to fish. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather learn HOW to fish. This episode will give you the 8 must know jazz piano chords but will also TEACH you how you can take these structures and methods and use them in all tunes. Enjoy!

Bill Evans’ Tricky Diminished Lines on “Israel” (LOTW #119)

Check out this explosive chorus from Bill Evans on his minor blues tune, “Israel.” He busts out of the gate with a decisive gesture and follows up with some of his signature minor vocabulary. Watch out for his use of chromaticism and the tricky diminished lines sprinkled throughout.

Jazz Piano School