JPS Ep:163 – What is “The Lady Bird Turnaround?”

If you have never encountered the Lady Bird turnaround or are looking for some new strategies with which to improvise over this device, search no further! In this podcast lesson, we’ll go over how Tadd Dameron came up with this trademark chord progression and how you can play over it with style and ease.

4 Guidelines for Pentatonic Improv

Don’t use pentatonics exclusively – This gets old fast. Pentatonics work best when they are mixed in with other harmonic language and textures. By combining pentatonics with chord-scale relationships, you can create countless paths to navigate changes. Start inside, take it out, then bring it back in – Pentatonics create tension. For this tension to […]

JPS Ep:162 – 12 Improv Strategies To Jam Out On 1 or 2 Chords (Funk)

What do you do when you are jamming out on 2 chords?…or even 1 CHORD?! Does your mind start freezing up? Well don’t worry, in this podcast, I use my electric rhodes sound on my keyboard and give you 12 strategies that you can use to improvise when you’re jamming out on 1 or 2 chord harmonies. I demonstrate in a funk style manner but these can also be used in any jazz tunes as well. Enjoy!

JPS Ep:161 – How to Practice Like a Pro Pt. 2: “Time In!”

For the second installment of this series, we’ll be talking about one of the most important aspects of music: TIME. When it comes to practicing, time can be a factor that makes or breaks the efficacy of your practice session. Find out how you can optimize your practicing through good use of time!

Nat King Cole’s Scorching Turnaround on Sweet Georgia Brown (LOTW #155)

Your average music consumer likely knows of Nat King Cole as a swooning singer from the golden era of jazz, but man could that guy play! Before his time in the limelight, Nat was known as an influential pianist with virtuosic abilities. Here is a cut from “Sweet Georgia Brown” as played by Nat and […]

The Nat King Cole Piano Slide Lick (LOTW #154)

Nat King Cole was one of the greatest artists of our time. As a pianist and vocalist, he inspired a generation of musicians in the 1940’s and 50’s, bridging the gap between the swing and bebop eras. This week’s lick showcases a fun trick he would often use, involving a glissando up multiple octaves of […]

Jazz Piano School