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3 Strategies To Fill Out Your Solo Piano Sound

Most of the time beginner and intermediate students have a hard time creating a thick and lush sound while playing solo piano. And I don’t blame them. It took me FOREVER to figure this out. But with these 3 tips you’ll be able to create a large orchestral sound from your solo piano playing in no time. They’re easy to learn and easy to integrate.

If you’re interested in learning more about my solo piano system and how it can help you quickly and easily change your solo piano performance go to the link below to get my free 3 part video workshop.

It’s very in depth and will give you a lot of amazing education you can work on today.


The Greatest Beginner Solo Piano Tip in 1 Minute

This tip that I will teach you in literally one minute has the power to drastically change your solo piano sound instantly. Don’t believe me? Well there is only one thing I have left to say…try it. It isn’t for everyone because you might be well beyond this, but if you’re playing LH root position chords with RH single note melody lines…then you absolutely need to watch this.

Even if you think you’re an intermediate or advanced player, try to do this with some tunes. If you can’t…it might be a good time to working on your fundamentals so you can integrate this into your playing. This step will allow you to add many more advanced concepts into your playing with ease.

If you’re interested in learning more about my solo piano system and how it can help you quickly and easily change your solo piano performance go to the link below to get my free 3 part video workshop.

It’s very in depth and will give you a lot of amazing education you can work on today.


Daily Jazz Piano Practice: A 4 Step System

Download: MP3 Audio59 MB Facebook Twitter LinkedIn The number one issue I see students encounter when trying to learn jazz piano is overload of information. With the internet these days, you can find anything you want. But is that a good thing? Don’t count on it. You’re not the teacher, so you don’t really know […]

Blues Improvisation: 3 Scales You Need To Know

here is way more to improvising over the blues then just using the traditional blues scale. When I learned these other two blues scales, and combined them with the traditional blues scale, my playing changed forever. In this lesson, I’ll teach you each blues scale, demonstrate how to use them, and then combine them so you can hear what the improvisation potential is when using these three blues improv tools.

If you’re looking to learn more about improvisation and want to learn my 5 most important improvisation steps to building a solid improv foundation and layering on advanced improv methods…vist the link below to watch my free masterclass.


Jazz Piano Voicings For Comping: The 2 BEST Pro Voicings

A fellow musician who is learning how to play jazz piano mentioned that all the voicings he uses sound to thin. I asked him what voicings he was using. He said he was using a lot of drop 2’s and rootless voicings in the high register of the piano. BOOM. There is the issue. The number 1 issue in fact that students have when comping jazz on piano. Most videos, blogs, even teachers, teach about rootless voicings, or upper structure voicings that are all up high. Most students should actually begin they’re comping journey down low with these 2 voicings! Enjoy!

If you’re interested in receiving a free notated pdf of my 22 most favorite jazz piano voicings go to the link below.


Jazz Piano Improvisation For Beginners

Learning how to improvise can be extremely overwhelming. Most of the time you’ll get very vague advice. In this lesson, I’ll teach you the 2 most important fundamental steps to learning improv. These 2 steps will help you build a rock solid foundation and allow you to layer on more advanced concepts with ease.

If you’re interested in checking out my free improvisation masterclass with even more in-depth education go to the link below.


LH Comping For Exercises: 4 Easy Methods

WP & YT Summary: Most jazz piano students have no control over their left hand while improvising. This can drastically take away from your improvisation sound. Most students also don’t even know HOW to fix this or what to do. In this video I’ll show you 4 very easy patterns and methods your LH can use while you improvise to ensure you sound like a pro.

Have you been trying to learn jazz piano with youtube videos, dvds, teachers but feel
like you’re still constantly guessing, can’t play any tunes without copying what someone else has played, and don’t know how to connect all the tid bits you’ve learned?

I went through the same thing but thankfully stumbled upon a learning system I created based on
proven language learning blocks.

The JPS System brings you through 4 main categories of learning,
Theory, Technique, Improvisation and Repertoire.

I’ll show you exactly how to utilize our popular system so
you can finally achieve jazz piano freedom: https://jazzpianoschool.com/lookinside

Red Garland Transcription Analysis

Red Garland was one of the greatest jazz pianists to ever live. This transcription analysis covers the tune, “A Foggy Day”, and is off the album, “A Garland of Red”. This analysis is taken from directly inside my brand new Improvisation Mastery Specialty course which is now available for purchase at a discount by going to the link below.

Click the link below for more info.


How To Improvise Over Like Someone In Love

In this free lesson I’m going to walk you through how to improvise over the tune Like Someone In Love. This is taken directly from a live lesson that I gave to all the JPS members during the Tune of The Month Series that we do. If you’re interested in learning more about improvisation, go check out my new specialty course that’s being released called, Improvisation Mastery.

Click the link below for more info.


Jazz Piano Voicings Plan For 2023 (Part 3)

Summary: In part 3 of the 2023 planning series I’ll be covering a full spectrum plan to crush all the jazz piano voicings you could possibly need in 2023.

Voicings are necessary for all parts of jazz. Solo piano, improvisation, comping and so much more.

When you have a solid plan to improve your voicings you will be making progress across the board which is fantastic. This will translate to everything you do.

Don’t forget to grab the planning book below as I refer to the steps inside when teaching this lesson.


Jazz Piano School

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