Could this change your jazz piano playing forever?

An invitation from Brenden Lowe

enrollment for this live jazz piano program closes in...


Hey, Brenden here. And what I'm about to say may be biased...

But I hope you hear me out, as the next few minutes could change your future as a jazz pianist forever.

Also, don’t worry. I’m not going to tell you about another online video course from us here at JPS.

What I’m about to show you is completely different. And it’s going to change the way jazz piano players approach studying jazz forever.

Why I urge you to take a few minutes and read this important note

Now like I said I may be biased…

But I think playing jazz is one of the coolest things you can do on the piano.

Few other styles of music give you the freedom to be as expressive, dynamic, and creative as a piano player.

And nothing beats how it feels to express your ideas up and down the range of the keys with impeccable timing as the chord changes fly by.

Or how it feels to step out into the spotlight and improvise a remarkable solo that makes the audience erupt.

You can even find joy in choosing the perfect chord tones to support your bandmates – especially once you know how to bend the rules of harmony and theory to create your own exciting and surprising piano parts.

It gets even better...

Becoming a strong jazz pianist also makes you a more complete overall piano player.

In fact, my decision to study jazz was the single biggest factor that has made me the musician I am today.

And I’m not alone.

Legendary piano players you know and love credit their success to studying jazz. From Herbie Hancock, to Bill Evans, to Chick Corea, to Oscar Peterson, and many more.

But without this knowledge, it's like looking at your piano with bad eyesight.

See, before you can play jazz, it’s almost like you’re looking down at your piano with bad vision.

Everything is blurry and confusing.

You can’t play across more than a few keys in a row without getting lost. And you struggle to keep up with anything but the slowest chord changes and rhythms.

Yet once you can play jazz, it’s like putting on the perfect pair of glasses.

Everything on your bass becomes crystal clear.

The notes you can play over every chord light up in your mind’s eye across your entire keyboard. The rhythms and accents you need to create the perfect groove flow naturally from your fingers. And instead of becoming yet another me-too, copycat piano player who can only emulate others…

You will have the creativity and mastery to develop your own identity as a musician – whatever that means for you.

So if you’re excited about everything I just said…

I have bad news... Becoming a competent jazz pianist is hard.

And if you’ve ever tried to study jazz by yourself, you probably don’t need me to tell you that.

That’s because you have to pull off a mind-numbing combination of skills and techniques into a seamless whole – all at the same time. How in the world do you connect all the pieces?

No margin for error

To make matters worse, you also have virtually no margin for error.

You can’t “fake it” when you show up to a jazz gig or jam session.

The music director, everyone in the band, and everyone in the audience will know you have no idea what you’re doing within the first few bars of the first song.

So with such high stakes – and so many skills to work on – just getting started can feel intimidating.

So tell me if any of this sounds familiar...

Because I’ve had countless students tell me how much they struggle to get traction with their jazz playing.

Every new exercise causes you to second-guess whether they’re playing it right. And no one is there to encourage you when you’re on the right track. Or to correct your mistakes in real-time so you don’t develop bad habits.

Which means instead of making progress, you spend most of your time going around in circles.

Plus when life gets in the way – and life will get in the way for you – you fall off track. And there’s no one there to help to help you get back up to speed.

Quitting is only a matter of time

So it’s often only a matter of time until you give up.

Which is why most students never make it to the end of even the best online courses. And if I’m being honest, that actually includes my own Jazz Piano School courses. Let me explain…

See, what is the thing that help students make the most progress. It’s actually not the quality of education, although that is a big factor.

It’s the accountability!

My New School University education

I paid over $200,000 for my BFA in jazz piano performance from the New School University in New York city.

While I do have my criticism, for the most part, it was amazing.

College education has something that personal self-study doesn’t have.

One word.


Now, of course, it has many other things, but that is a biggie.

Also, the QUALITY of education is absolutely fantastic.

I paid over 200k to attend the New School.

After running JPS for more than a decade, I’ve learned that there are students out there just as committed as I was to learning jazz piano.

They want accountability.

They want QUALITY education.

But they sure as heck ain’t going to pay 200k, especially in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s.

Nor do they want to do 4 years of school.

So what do I create that will help JPS students get more results, accountability, and intensive live education at the highest quality?

(handful of a sentence I know)

Here's what I did...

I sat down and pinpointed where we had the biggest drop-offs in our our self study courses.

I looked over thousands of the feedback forms we’ve received from you and your fellow piano players.

I even analyzed what was different about the JPS students who experience the biggest and most consistent progress.

And when the dust finally settled, I came to an undeniable conclusion

I realized that if I want to show you how to become a great jazz piano player in a way that’s almost impossible to fail…

Then I need to combine the best parts of online courses with the best parts of in-person classes.

That way, you can enjoy the faster progress and more reliable results of in-person classes. Combined with the flexibility and affordability of online courses.

A sum greater than its parts

And the best part is, when you find the right way to put the 2 together, the sum is even greater than the parts.

Which is why I’m so excited to tell you I finally found a way to do just that.

It’s not just another online course.

And it’s not a run-of-the-mill coaching program…


A transformational new experience called my Inner Circle Mastermind.

And it makes dropping out or giving up all but impossible…

The Inner Circle Mastermind program gives you a precise mix of private and group instruction to help you make rapid and consistent progress.

Plus you also get a strategically paced curriculum from the weekly masterclasses that’s easy to follow and ensures you don’t fall behind.

Which means you are all but certain to come out of the Inner Circle Mastermind program achieving the type of playing you’ve always dreamed of.

So just imagine being able to play a variety of chords and melodies along the entirety of the piano with total confidence and control – no matter what song comes up on the gig or during the jam session.

Plus anytime you’re asked to play harmony, you’ll know exactly how to come up with exciting chord substitutions on the fly. No more sticking to roots and fifths.

And instead of panicking when it’s time to take a solo, all the distractions melt away – giving you total freedom to follow wherever the music takes you.

Because with the Inner Circle Mastermind program, now all this and more will be yours.

Or stick around and let me show you exactly how it works…

Based on a ground-breaking new framework

It all starts with the JPS Live Program Framework™ I created for this program.

This framework is how we combine the best parts of online courses and in-person instruction into an exciting new, live experience.

The Inner Circle Mastermind Program pulls together 4 powerful training methods into one seamless whole:


01. One on One with Brenden

I will contact you to set up your initial 1 on 1 assessment lesson. This is more about getting to know you and listen to your musical background and story than it is about listening to your playing.

Your musical story shapes you, molds you, and can have a huge effect on your mindset.

That’s why we take great care in listening to your story and experiences.

I will also to listen to you play, ask you about your goals, and begin to discuss next steps for you in order to start seeing quick results in your playing.

I will also show you around the program and answer any questions you might have at that time.


02. Custom Lesson Plans

The custom lesson plans assigned within the program have so many benefits I don’t even know where to being.

They are by far the #1 reason students are making so much progress in their playing at an extremely fast rate.

The other incredible benefit to these lessons is that they are all conducted through our online platform which allows you to do the work on your own time!

You don’t even have to leave your house.

They will give you direction and clarity on exactly what to practice to get better.
I wish I had my old lesson plan notebooks around when I was studying jazz back in the day…

…oh wait…I didn’t have any notebooks…why? 

Because most teachers never wrote stuff down because they were too lazy, or simply didn’t know what to assign as exercises.

Again, they would just sit there and “show me stuff.”
Also…all your lessons are stored in your personal space inside the community platform we use that is separate from the Jazz Piano School app.


03. Lesson Plan Archive

One of the things I love about the elevated experience of online learning programs these days compared to the old school way of private lessons is the technology.

Back when I was taking private lessons, I had no recordings, no music, nothing to look back on in case I forgot.

Today, if you don’t have a recording of your lesson or assignment, the teacher is doing you a disservice.

In my Inner Circle Mastermind, everything is recorded and stored so you can go back and watch any lesson or masterclass you want as many times as you’d like for the rest of your life.

You’ll get lifetime access to all the recordings.


04. Video Submission For Progress Tracking & Accountability

You may be wondering how the teacher reviews your playing.

This is another incredible benefit to the program due to the accountability.

It’s another TOP reason that students are making so much progress so fast.

Every week you will record a video of you playing your assignments through an easy app called Flipgrid that is completely free.

This recording process does not lie and holds students accountable for practicing.

Now to some of you this may be terrifying!

Trust me I know, because other students thought the same thing before signing up.

“How can I do this program if I need to record myself for my teacher?!”

What they’ve found is that after just the very first recording session they actually began to LOVE IT!

And I promise you, if you give it a chance, so will you.

The other AMAZING benefit to recording your assignments for your teacher every week is that it is a great measuring tool for your progress.

All your recordings will be stored in an archive so you and the teacher can go back and clearly see how much progress you’ve made.

This helps tremendously to motivate and inspire you when you look back and see where you started from!

Kind of like hiking up a mountain and feeling exhausted half way, but then turning around and looking at how far you’ve come.

Quite breathtaking and inspiring and of course you can’t stop there…you have to keep going to reach the top!

Check out Mike Griffith’s massive archive of recordings in the picture above!


05. 24/7 Messaging Capabilities w/ Brenden

There are so many problems with live lessons I don’t know where to begin, but one I found MOST frustrating was having a question during the week.

I would have a question and felt shamed by contacting my teacher to ask them.

I mean I was only paying for their hourly time right? My teacher probably didn’t want to get on the phone with me and teach. They were busy.

In my Inner Circle Mastermind, I’ve got that covered.

You can use the message chat at anytime to ask your teacher questions about your lesson plan or just jazz in general!

Check it out!


06. Weekly Live Masterclass

Now if you think this program is awesome already, I’ve only just begun so get comfortable.

Every week there will be a group lesson with either myself or one of the other educators.

They will teach a live masterclass on zoom that will allow you to interact, follow along at the piano, and ask them questions as they demonstrate and teach.

These masterclass lessons will be on specific and necessary jazz piano topics that students need to know to get better.

All of these masterclass will be recorded and stored in the archive as well so you can go back and watch them at anytime even if you miss one!


07. Private Community Access

And last but not least, access to an incredible, out of this world supportive community inside the private accelerator platform we use.

All the students here are very, very close and supportive of one another due to the live learning that everyone is doing together.

If you frustrated, they will pick you up.

Want to share your success, they will congratulate you!

It is one of the most valuable parts of the program.

The best of both worlds

So now you see how the JPS Live Program Framework weaves together the perfect combination of lessons and feedback

Because at the end of every masterclass lesson, you will have the chance to ask questions and get custom feedback on your playing with the video submissions and group assignments.

And you will also have plenty of time to practice in between.

This means all together, you are all but guaranteed to make it to the end of the Inner Circle Mastermind. No matter how busy you are or how stressful your life can be.

Especially once you understand how we’ve developed the curriculum for this program.

And the best part is, I will be with you EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!

So you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

A time-tested lesson plan

See, thousands of piano players have already used the curriculum from my Jazz Accelerator Course successfully – without the benefit of A-List Masterclasses, weekly one-on-one recorded feedback and live Studio Hours.

That’s why we are going to follow the same proven approach with the Inner Circle Mastermind. But with one major change, which I’ll tell you about soon.

To start, the curriculum focuses on 3 key skills for playing jazz on the piano.

1. Accompaniment & Voicings

2. Solo Piano

3. Improvisation

These skills will give you the foundation you need to play any jazz standard that comes your way.

Plus when you focus on these skills, it will also push you to develop other parts of your playing at the same time.

For example, you can’t play any solo piano tune if you don’t also have a strong grasp of the notes available to you on your keyboard.

So that’s why each lesson in the program focuses on one of these 3 skills.

This live program structure makes falling behind nearly impossible

If you’re looking to drastically move the needle on your jazz piano playing and make more progress than you ever have before in your entire life…this program is for you.

A special "thank you" worth $2,997.00

But I also want to do something very special to thank you for joining my masterclass. That's why I'm going to give every participant a Lifetime Elite Membership to the JPS self-study membership area. That means lifetime access to all courses and lifetime access to courses released in the future completely free.

Still not convinced? Here's what past members had to say...

Ron Iannazzi

Mark Simmons

Jesse Hernandez

George Moore

Michelle Sorger

Dunja Wildt

Jhoe Kelly Moise

Toni Crowder

Debbie Preece

Ben Jackson

Kay Savetz

Alix Beeney

So think about it this way...

Before my Inner Circle Mastermind, the only way you could study with jazz with a teacher was with the classic way of taking private lessons. And we both know that method doesn’t provide you with even  1/10th of the bells and whistles that this program does

And even if you were to take one semester of classes at the New School university it would cost you roughly $40,000.

And those courses typically only let you work with your teacher two times a month.

That means you’d have to spend $80,000 for the 9 months of this program.

But the fact of the matter is, these live learning environments produce the best results.

This is because of accountability and support and constant feedback on your playing.

If you’re looking to make more progress than you ever have in your entire life…this program is for you.

And it’s a fraction of the cost of attending a music college would be.

Which is why…

I'm happy to say you will not even have to spend over $8000 a semester when you join.

You won’t even have to pay half of that per semester.

What You'll Get When You Join:

Start Date: Jan 7th, 2025

End Date: May 20th, 2025

Investment Comparison

1 Week at Stanford Jazz Camp = $3100. That’s $111,600 for 9-months.

To attend the New School University it would cost you $80,000 for a year.
Berklee 5-Week Summer Program = $5,430 which equals roughly $38,010 for 9-months

My Prorated 5-Month Inner Circle Mastermind Investment




Only 20


seats remaining

Claim your seat now for 1 easy payment of $4,250

Hurry! There's only 5 seats left!

I can only handle so many students in my mastermind for obvious reasons. I put a lot of time and effort into teaching my students so unfortunately I do have to cap the amount of students I can take.

Also, the previous mastermind students get first dibs on spots and some of them are close to re-enrolling again.

I’m never really sure how long spots will last but this page gets updated automatically until all spots are filled.

So if you come back and the page is gone, then all the seats have currently been taken.

If you’re at all interested, your best bet is to reserve your spot now and go for it!

This is the best investment you can make into your jazz piano playing, you’ll have a blast, and you’ll make more progress than you ever have.

I've made this 100% risk-free for you

I know that committing to an intensive, 9-month education program can be a little scary. But, I’ve implemented tried, tested, and proven methods of providing you with accountability, solid tools, and support, ensuring that you can not fail as long as you show up.

And…to make things even better, you’ll get lifetime elite access to everything inside of Jazz Piano School.

Meaning, my team and I will be here to help you, for the rest of your life, even when the 9-months of the program are up!

No college or university in their right mind would ever do such a thing. They would go out of business.

Do you see why the value of joining my mastermind is absolutely priceless?

It's time to decide

Now you could keep doing things the way you have.

But be honest. How well has that been working for you?

Are you really making the kind of progress you want as a jazz pianist?

Or have you been stuck going in circles for weeks…months…or ene years now?

Because the good news, it’s not too late.

As long as enrollment for my Inner Circle Mastermind is open – and yes there are still seats available – you can choose a different path.

You can say YES! to joining my mastermind right now and work with me.

And just imagine finally having the skills to unlock your creativity as a jazz pianist and musician.

Picture yourself sitting down at your piano and improvising a flawless solo that makes your family members, friends, or even yourself get goosebumps because it was that good.

Or imagine the satisfaction you’ll feel the next time you open up to play a real book tune, and you can create flawless two hand voicings, with inner color movements, and reharms without blinking an eye.

Because this is exactly what your playing will be like by the end of this program.

Now I can’t do the practice for you, but all you have to do is follow what I tell you. And when you do, your success is practically guaranteed.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain

So claim your spot in my Inner Circle Mastermind now.

Because the program starts back up Tuesday, January 7th. And I have 5 seats left that for more than 100,000 Jazz Piano School followers.

And that means the program could sell out any minute – even before enrollment closes and the timer on this page reaches zero.

Also, I will not be adding more space when all the spots fill up. I want to make sure I have ample time to run and review all the work from my students in the program.

Once 5 out of 20 seats are gone, this year’s mastermind will close.

And honestly, I don’t run this every year for certainty.

I reflect and think about whether or not my time, ambitions, and goals line up with the program.

So I may not be running this again in all honesty. I never really know.

So don’t wait.

Click the button to claim your spot now-while you still can.

And I can’t wait to see you inside!

What You'll Get When You Join:


Re-Start Date: January 7th, 2025

End Date: May 20th, 2025

Investment Comparison

1 Week at Stanford Jazz Camp = $3100. That’s $111,600 for 9-months.

To attend the New School University it would cost you $80,000 for a year.

Berklee 5-Week Summer Program = $5,430 which equals roughly $38,010 for 9-months

Prorated 5-Month Inner Circle Mastermind Investment




Only 20


seats remaining

Claim your seat now for 1 easy payment of $4,250

Frequently Asked Questions

You can think of the Accelerator Program as a sprint, and Brenden’s Inner Circle Mastermind as a marathon. In 90 days you can only make so much progress and get so much education. This 9-month curriculum was designed by Brenden to go much, much further and deliver way more results. Due to the elongated amount of time, Brenden can teach you much more effectively and ultimately help you achieve way more progress in your jazz piano performance than any other form of education or program out there.

With a 9-month curriculum, this is totally understandable. All lessons will be recorded and archived so you can re-watch them whenever you wish. 

Yes of course. Brenden usually recommends you partake in his Accelerator Program first to get a feel for his online group programs, but of course, if you’re ready to commit and go all in, you can certainly start with this 9-month program if you’re ready to see the most results possible in your playing. 

Zoom will be used for all the lessons and teachings.

The first event is Tuesday, September 3rd at 10am PST.

All masterclasses will be held on Tuesdays at 10am PST, except certain weeks for holidays. If you can’t make the class they’re all recorded so you can go back and watch them at anytime.

All assignment work is practiced and submitted on your own time. So no matter what time zone you are in, or what your schedule is, you can arrange the work however fits your life best.

You will never be FORCED to play in front of others but Brenden highly recommends you try it. Brenden will be doing live teaching demonstrations in front of the students and this is fantastic way to make progress! It has been an extremely beneficial way for students to learn. By listening to the playing of other students, it delivers important inspiration and motivation that achieving your dream is possible. 

All you will need is some sort of computer or smart phone with a camera so you can use our software to submit your assignments.

You’ll also need a computer or smart phone to watch the masterclasses.

And of course you’ll need a piano to practice.

The group lesson education will be based on a trimester curriculum. The first 3 months of the program Brenden will deliver Layer 1 of his Jazz Piano Success Pyramid. This is called “Essential Jazz Piano Building Blocks”.

Months 4-6, Brenden will deliver Layer 2 called, “Advanced Jazz Piano Concepts” which will deliver advanced harmony, improv and solo piano methods.

Months 7-9, Brenden will deliver Layer 3 called, “The Quintessential Jazz Piano Sound”. This will teach you the specific, spices, flavors and textures you need to get a true pro sound.  

Brenden paid 40k a semester when attending the New School University in Manhattan, NY and getting his BFA in jazz piano performance. Some musicians go on to get their masters and doctorate degrees and spends hundreds of thousands of dollars more.

To some people, there is no price for achieving their musical dream and all the money is worth it.

For a fully customized, intimate, and  professionally designed curriculum which includes private study, access to all recordings, and a community, this investment is a complete steal compared to private college tuition. 

If you feel the price outweighs your jazz piano ambition, then you’re probably not right for this Mastermind. 

If you feel a burning desire to become the best you can be at jazz piano and want to go further than you ever have before, then this program will do what it’s intended and proven to do…deliver results.

What You'll Get When You Join:


Re-Start Date: Jan 7th, 2025

End Date: May 20th, 2025

Investment Comparison

1 Week at Stanford Jazz Camp = $3100. That’s $111,600 for 9-months.

To attend the New School University it would cost you $80,000 for a year.
Berklee 5-Week Summer Program = $5,430 which equals roughly $38,010 for 9-months

Prorated 5-Month Inner Circle Mastermind Investment




Only 20


seats remaining

Claim your seat now for 1 easy payment of $4,250

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