Brenden's Inner Circle
Mastermind Program

A nine month, trimester curriculum program, built to give you exclusive study access to Brenden and take your jazz piano playing further than you could ever imagine.

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A Trimester Curriculum built to completely transform your playing and achieve your jazz piano dream.

If you know me and my philosophies around jazz piano education then you probably know I have a bone to pick.

I attended the New School University and got a 4 year BFA in jazz piano performance.

I paid about 40k a semester. 

I’ll let you do the math and cry a little with me.

College was fantastic and I learned so much and would never take it back…


…I didn’t feel like the money was efficiently spent.

This seems to be a growing trend amongst musicians attending music college today.

I received a lot of education on lots of different topics, things and miscellaneous categories, but never felt like I learned essential jazz piano building blocks.

I built this Inner Circle Mastermind to change that.

I built this to deliver my OWN education infused with my own philosophies.

A direct path to all things jazz piano. 

That will completely transform your playing and help you achieve your jazz piano dream. 

I’ve broken this program down into trimesters to deliver three layers of my Jazz Piano Success Pyramid.

Layer 1 – Essential Building Blocks of Jazz Piano

Layer 2 – Advanced Jazz Piano Concepts (Learning freedom and unshackling yourself from jazz piano constraints.)

Layer 3 – The Quintessential Jazz Piano Sound.

Through out this Inner Circle Mastermind I will be teaching you through my Jazz Piano Success Pyramid so that you’re getting the MOST IMPORTANT jazz piano information you need to experience success.

Along side of this curriculum, you’ll be working with me personally to ensure you’re getting the most effective exercises, practice routines, and lesson planning needed to achieve your jazz piano dream.

This program will be revolutionary for jazz piano education and I can’t wait to go on this journey with you.

Here’s to a NEW and BETTER way of learning jazz piano.

-Brenden Lowe

Creator and Founder of Jazz Piano School

What You'll Get When You Join:



Start Date: Sept 3rd, 2024

End Date: May 20th, 2025

Bonus: Join Now and Start Early Sessions With Brenden!

The Schedule

Brenden's Inner Circle Mastermind will meet every Tuesday at 10am until May 20th. During this time Brenden will use these group lessons for many different types of activities.

Teaching, practicing, listening to students play, and so much more!

There will be 3 breaks in the schedule for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years also some time when Brenden is traveling.

The JPS educators will sub during the times Brenden is traveling.

Brenden's Inner Circle Mastermind

Due to the intimacy and special customization of this program, the 9-month weekly group lessons will incorporate a mixture of the activities you see below based on the curriculum needs. Brenden will be teaching, leading practice sessions, and critiquing your playing on a weekly basis as he sees fit.  

These group lessons will be alongside the private study you will have with Brenden and the custom lessons plans you will receive. 

The custom combination of these educational events designed by Brenden will lead you to momumental breakthroughs and success in your jazz piano performance. 

Group Lessons

Practice Sessions

Small Pod Lessons

Weekly Lesson Plans

Custom Tutorials

Assessments & Performance

Full Voxer Access To Brenden

Success Pyramid Curriculum

Intimate Community

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

You can think of the Accelerator Program as a sprint, and Brenden’s Inner Circle Mastermind as a marathon. In 90 days you can only make so much progress and get so much education. This 9-month curriculum was designed by Brenden to go much, much further and deliver way more results. Due to the elongated amount of time, Brenden can teach you much more effectively and ultimately help you achieve way more progress in your jazz piano performance than any other form of education or program out there.

With a 9-month curriculum, this is totally understandable. All lessons will be recorded and archived so you can re-watch them whenever you wish. 

Yes of course. Brenden usually recommends you partake in his Accelerator Program first to get a feel for his online group programs, but of course, if you’re ready to commit and go all in, you can certainly start with this 9-month program if you’re ready to see the most results possible in your playing. 

Zoom will be used for all the lessons and teachings.

Yes, you will be required to play in front of others during some group lessons when Brenden will be doing live teaching demonstrations in front of the students. This has been an extremely beneficial way for students to learn. By listening to the playing of other students, it delivers important inspiration and motivation that achieving your dream is possible. 

The group lesson education will be based on a trimester curriculum. The first 3 months of the program Brenden will deliver Layer 1 of his Jazz Piano Success Pyramid. This is called “Essential Jazz Piano Building Blocks”.

Months 4-6, Brenden will deliver Layer 2 called, “Advanced Jazz Piano Concepts” which will deliver advanced harmony, improv and solo piano methods.

Months 7-9, Brenden will deliver Layer 3 called, “The Quintessential Jazz Piano Sound”. This will teach you the specific, spices, flavors and textures you need to get a true pro sound.  

Brenden paid 40k a semester when attending the New School University in Manhattan, NY and getting his BFA in jazz piano performance. Some musicians go on to get their masters and doctorate degrees and spends hundreds of thousands of dollars more.

To some people, there is no price for achieving their musical dream and all the money is worth it.

For a fully customized, intimate, and  professionally designed curriculum which includes private study, access to all recordings, and a community, this investment is a complete steal compared to private college tuition. 

If you feel the price outweighs your jazz piano ambition, then you’re probably not right for this Mastermind. 

If you feel a burning desire to become the best you can be at jazz piano and want to go further than you ever have before, then this program will do what it’s intended and proven to do…deliver results.

Here's What Previous Program Members Have To Say

Ron Iannazzi

Mark Simmons

Jesse Hernandez

George Moore

Michelle Sorger

Dunja Wildt

Jhoe Kelly Moise

Toni Crowder

Debbie Preece

Ben Jackson

Kay Savetz

Alix Beeney


(Only 8 of 20 spots available!)

Brenden's Inner Circle Mastermind

It's time to level up your playing!


Program Investment:

(Save $2350 with our early bird
enrollment special)

Just $7650 Today

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